New Life
Zion Marie Benson
Life moves fast. It’s difficult keeping up.
Nearly five months have slipped by since my last post. That’s not for a lack of adventure, however. If anything the adventures have simply nudged out the time necessary to document them.
This post will be short, nothing more than a simple update to rebuild old habits and prevent further decay. The truth is, Jenny and I have been busy. Really busy! I can’t list everything, but here’s the highlight reel: In the past month and a half, we bought a house, moved and had our first baby - a little girl.
Did I mention we’ve been busy?
Zion Marie Benson was born 7 pounds 14 ounces at 6:11 p.m. on February 6, 2020. It was the most beautiful display of strength I’ve ever witnessed. It makes me wonder how we ever came to accept the lie that men are stronger than women. I could not have done what Jenny did.
I’m excited to be a dad. I’m excited to share my passions with this new life, to teach her how to draw and to skateboard, to take her camping for the first time. I’m excited to see which traits she gets from me, and which she gets from Jenny. I’m excited for the unique person she will become, for the creativity she will share with the world, for everything she will teach me. I’m excited to document this journey.
The adventures will not end. In fact, I think they’re only just beginning. But they will change, and maintaining everything will be an adjustment. So stay tuned if you’re with me. This is going to be fun :)
Our home