Blog Index

I'm Matt Benson, a Florida-based graphic designer and photographer who enjoys going outside and writing about it. This is where I document those adventures.

Moon Flower Blues

We drove to the Juniper Prairie Wilderness Friday evening with the goal of photographing white pond lilies beneath the glow of a rare “blue flower moon.”

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Gear Parade

Here is a list of my top ten favorite things to bring into the woods. Some are practical, others just fun. There is no particular order. It’s just ten things. That I like. Out of order. Here we go.

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The Woods is a Time Machine

This past weekend I did some time traveling. Not in the science fiction sense, where someone jumps into a DeLorean or a phone booth and leaps forward and backward in a dramatic attempt to rectify some injustice committed in an alternate timeline. No, my time travel was a little more tame than that.

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The Things We Carried

They warn you about the bears. They warn you about the alligators. They warn you about the rattlesnakes and the water moccasins. But they never warn you about the two guys hauling an oversized bathroom mirror miles through the brush and the thicket into the wilderness. Probably best to stay clear of those two.

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Tick Talk

It was the 4:15 a.m. alarm that finally succeeded in yanking me from the silence. I rolled out of bed and onto my feet.

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Life and Death in The Prairie

I grew up in Florida. My family moved here from Cape Cod when I was seven. But I’ve always seen Florida as an unfortunate circumstance, a stain left in the carpet of my parents’ old dreams. This is the second post of my Contact Sheets series.

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Contact Sheets

One of my goals for 2019 is to create a zine about the Juniper Prairie Wilderness area of the Ocala National Forest. In conjunction with this zine, I’m creating a blog series called Contact Sheets, where I post the entire contact sheet for each roll of film I shoot for this project. I spent yesterday developing and scanning three rolls from a recent Juniper Prairie Wilderness trip, so what better day to kick off this project than January 1?

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Color Matters

When it comes to shooting film, I’ve always preferred black and white. But I recently shot eight rolls of Portra 400 over the last three weeks and wanted to share with you some of the images I made as well as my thoughts on shooting color film in general.

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11 Tips for Photographing Strangers

Everyone has a different approach to taking pictures of strangers. And the more you shoot, the faster you will discover what works and doesn’t work for you. It’s a skill like anything else, and it needs to be practiced as often as possible. Here are 11 tips I use when I’m out photographing strangers in the street.

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Two Free Videos to Get You Motivated

Let's be honest: We all need a little motivation once in a while. As much as we love going out and taking pictures, sometimes the going out part can be a bit difficult. So I'd like to share with you two free film photography videos in hopes they will inspire you to get off the couch and go shoot some film!

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Style Points

One of the biggest compliments you can receive as a photographer is somebody telling you that you have a unique style. It's a holy grail we all seek. But what do I mean by "style," and how can finding it help us connect with ourselves on a deeper level?

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